CCPC Volunteers at it again!

Is this a great club or what?!

If I tried to name everyone who came out to help today, I would surely forget someone so, I won’t.   I don’t even know exactly how many came but, we got everything done that we set out to accomplish and had a great time doing it!

Debbie and Rob took a lot of photos and Rob worked his usual magic to produce this short video:

The lower courts are done!   We put down the string boundaries and divided the terrain into 2 courts – each one is quite generous and are almost the size recommended for international competition.   It may take a bit of getting used to but, we think you’ll like them.

The main terrain got a serious smoothing and patching.   We didn’t put any court boundary markers on them yet – that’s next.   We’ll have another workday soon.  

Allez CCPC!
