Allen Cassady traveled to Morganton, NC (the site of the tournament) and met up with Gary Jones (National Umpire, Carolina Petanque) and passed both his written and practical tests to become certified by FPUSA as a Club Umpire! Congratulations Allen! We’re all quite proud of you! Here is Allen’s version of the story:
As some of you know, I’ve been pursuing an FPUSA umpire certification. I took the exam yesterday in Morganton, NC, under National Umpire Gary Jones. I passed the exam and will now be certified as an FPUSA Club Umpire, effective January 1.
“Club Umpire” is the entry level of FPUSA umpiring. The next higher levels are “Regional Umpire” and “National Umpire.” A Club Umpire is authorized to officiate alone at club level events, but not at FPUSA sanctioned regional and national events, where a Club Umpire would serve as an assistant umpire under an experienced higher-level umpire. To qualify for the next higher level of Regional Umpire, I will have to serve at least three years as a Club Umpire, officiate in a minimum number of events, be nominated by an FPUSA official, and pass the Regional Umpire examination.
The Club Umpire examination consisted of a written test of 25 multiple-choice questions and a practical test to demonstrate measuring ability, included the requirement to measure with one knee on the ground. Gary set up a number of jack and boule situations that tested the ability to measure with four different measuring instruments–calipers, folding rule with extension, 2m tape measure, and 10m or longer tape measure. I passed all of those tests.
On the 25-item written examination, I answered 24 correctly, missing on one. I had concentrated my studies on the playing rules and answered all playing rule questions correctly, but tripped up on one of the administrative rules. The question I answered incorrectly dealt with who must approve when two teams assigned to a specific terrain for their game want to switch to a different terrain. I reasoned that because the organizing committee assigned the terrains, any change must be approved by the organizing committee. But the correct answer was “the umpire.”
The one requirement left is that I must have been an FPUSA member for two years. I will complete that requirement on January 1, when the FPUSA Sports Director will send me my Club Umpire certificate and badge.
Thanks to all of you who had to tolerate my one-knee-on-the-ground practice measurements.