Current Bylaws

Classic City Pétanque Club Bylaws


The purpose of the Classic City Pétanque Club is to promote and enjoy the game of Pétanque in Athens, Georgia and the surrounding area.


•   Play Pétanque on a regular basis throughout the year

•   Promote the game of Pétanque by providing introductory classes and demonstrations

•   Recruit new members

•   Plan and conduct competitions

Article I Name

The name of the organization is Classic City Pétanque Club.

Article II Function

The club will function as an affiliated club of the Federation of Pétanque USA (FPUSA), which is dedi- cated to spreading, practicing, and enjoying the sport of Pétanque in the United States of America. The club will support the FPUSA Constitution, Bylaws, General Rules, and Code of Behavior and, in the spirit of our FPUSA affiliation, endeavor to reach out to local organizations regarding the game and sport of Pétanque.

Article III Organization and Status

The club will be organized into general membership and a Board of Directors elected by the general membership.

Article IV Membership and Voting Privileges

Section 1.        A General Member in Good Standing is defined as a person who is current on all membership fees not having been subject to disciplinary actions pursuant to the CCPC Code of Conduct.

Section 2:       Memberships are valid only in one of the following categories:

FULL – CLUB membership and FPUSA membership registered with CCPC.

AFFILIATE – (non-voting) AFFILIATE memberships are offered only in members of other FPUSA Registered clubs located more than 50 miles from Athens, GA.

Section 3:       Voting privileges are afforded to CCPC members with FULL membership status in good standing. They will be limited to proposals by the Board that specifically indicates a vote needed. All members will be limited to one vote per member and by proxy if assigned.

(Article IV amended and approved on 9/11/21)

Article V Board of Directors

Section 1.        The number of Directors shall be no less than the five (5) officers. The Officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice President. Treasurer, Secretary, and Sports Director. The Past President of the Club will serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the board unless elected to different position. A spouse, and/or significant other of any Board member is ineligible to serve on the Board while their spouse is in office.  Nomination/election to a Board of Directors office is available to CCPC members with FULL membership status in good standing.

(Amended and approved on 9/15/2021)

Section 2.        A nominating committee of three members shall be appointed by the Board and announced no less than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

1. The nominating committee will meet to review the Bylaws, select a chairperson, set a time line for nominations and compose a “Call for Nominations” from the membership. Communications within the committee are to remain confidential.

2. The nominating committee qualifies each nominee as each is received: Valid membership, acceptance from the nominee, members sharing a household may not serve at the same time.

3. One week is to be allowed for nominations to be submitted and verified. At the expiration of the nomination period, the nominations will be compiled and a slate of nominees submitted to the Board. The Board will then send out the slate of nominees and instructions on voting by e-mail or by paper ballot (to be signed to avoid duplication) to be completed by a due date before the Annual Meeting. All votes will be final before the Annual Meeting.

4. The Board will appoint an election committee to gather and tabulate the votes and report the results at the Annual Meeting.

(Article V Section 2: revised and amended on 9/17/21)

Section 3.        Directors will be elected at the annual meeting. Those persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be Directors for the ensuing year. All members in good standing of the organization can vote for the Directors and will vote either in-person or through email by the date of the annual meeting. Each member of the organization may cast one vote each for no more than the number of vacancies being filled.

Section 4.        Term of Office. Each Director shall hold office for two (2) years. All directors shall hold office until their respective successors are elected, except in the case of resignation, death, disability or removal. Nominations will be made by members in good standing. Candidates for the Board shall be nominated only with the consent of the nominee.

Amended September 4, 2019

Section 5.        Vacancy. Any vacancy or unfilled position on the Board shall be filled for the unexpired term. The Board may nominate a replacement who must then be approved by a majority of the membership in a special election.

Section 6.        Resignation and Forfeiture. Any Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President. Any Director may be removed from the Board for any reason whatsoever by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the total number of Directors.

Section 7.        Compensation. Directors shall not receive any salary or compensation for their services.

Section 8.        Contracts. The Board may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the organization, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the organization, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Any contract above $50 must have full board approval before proceeding.

Section 9.        Conflict of Interest. Each member of the Board shall be responsible for identifying and stating any conflicts of interest when pertinent issues are discussed and voted on by the Board. The conflict of interest shall be noted in the Board’s minutes and if a vote on the matter is taken the results will note the outcome and that the member with a conflict has not cast a vote. “Conflict of Interest” shall be defined as a member who has only a vested fiscal interest in the outcome of a board action.

Section 10.      Removal. An Officer of the Board may be removed when he or she:

A.    Fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings without adequate excuse; and/or

B.    Is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the office as prescribed in the Bylaws; and/or

C.    The Board of Directors, at a duly noticed meeting, may by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, take such action as it determines appropriate, which may include: (1) requesting the resignation of the officer; (2) making a formal recommendation that the officer be removed from office.

Section 11.      Indemnification. The Directors shall be indemnified and held harmless to the extent and in the manner permitted by law.

Article VI Meetings

Section I.        Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the organization shall be held approximately prior to the beginning of the club!s fiscal year at a location determined at least one month in advance of such a date. Notice of the annual meeting shall be published no less than thirty (30) days before the meeting and precede the next fiscal year.

(Amended 9/12/21)

Section 2.        Regular and Special Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least two (2) times during the fiscal year. The President or any two (2) Board members may call special meetings of the Board. Meetings are open to the public, but only members of the organization may speak, unless permission is specifically granted by the President. Members will request time on the agenda by asking the President at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. No member may speak for more than 5 minutes, unless more time has been specifically granted by a majority vote of the Directors.

Section 3.        Notice of Meetings.  Notice of a time and place for any regular meeting or special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be delivered personally, or by telephone, facsimile, first class mail, electronic mail and/or posted to the web page/social media page to each director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. A reasonable effort will be made to notify all members of meetings at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meet- ing.

Section 4.        Quorum. A simple majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote of the Directors shall determine the outcome of issues brought before the Board.

Section 5.        Action without Meeting. Any action of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting if a simple majority of the Board consents to this action. The President shall determine the method of voting on the action and be responsible to provide written results of the action to the club. Results of consent and the action shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board.

Article VII. Elected Officer Roles

President.  The President shall be the chief executive officer of the organization. The President shall preside over all meetings and the annual meeting of the organization, shall, in general, supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the organization, and shall be responsible for reporting to the organization, as required, on the activities and operation of the organization. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Vice-President. The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, or in event of his/her inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the President. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties from time to time as may be assigned to him/her by the President or the Board of Directors.

Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the organization, and shall be responsible for providing the organization with all financial and accounting data required of the organization. The Treasurer shall also receive copies of monthly bank statements, mailed directly from the bank, for review and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer will provide membership a detailed financial statement prior to the Annual Meeting.

Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting and meetings of the Board of Di- rectors, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws, be custodian of the organization’s records, and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary including immediately notifying the entire membership of any and all decisions made by the Board. The Secretary shall be responsible for new member applications and provide a membership directory, a copy of the bylaws, and FPUSA Rules to each member.

Sports Director. The Sports Director shall be responsible for facilitating and coordinating game play according to the FPUSA rules and CCPC’s adopted local rules, regulations, and policies.  The Sports Director shall have primary responsibility for the following:  new member orientation; coordinating and facilitating coaching activities; organizing competitive play opportunities such as tournaments and competitions; promoting and assisting CCPC member participation in other tournaments; coordinating groundskeeping of our primary CCPC terrains; and consulting and recommending changes to CCPC Lo- cal Rules policies. The Sports Director is responsible for securing an umpire when needed.

Past Club President. The past club President will provide continuity through sharing of organizational and institutional knowledge with elected officers, either as a non-voting ex-officio member or as an elected officer of the new board.

Article VIII Committees

Section 1.        Committees. There shall be such committees created by the Board of Directors as may be required to carry out the work of the organization. The quorum for a committee meeting shall be a majority of its members.

Section 2.        Appointment. The President, subject to the ratification of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the chairperson and members of committees.

Section 3.        Term. The chairperson and members of special committees shall serve for one year, or until their assignments have been completed, whichever comes first.

Article IX Administration

Section 1.         Use of Funds: Classic City Pétanque Club will use funds for the general operations of the organization. All checks or drafts issued in the name of the organization will require two signatures. Any two of the following are authorized to sign checks: President, Treasurer, or Vice-President.

Section 2.        Books and Records. The organization shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its Board of Directors and committees having any of the authority of the Board. All books and records of the organization may be inspected by any member, or his agent or attorney, authorized representative for any proper purpose at any reasonable time, and upon reasonable notice.

Section 3.        Required Reporting. The Board of Directors shall provide reasonable periodic reporting to the FPUSA if required by the organization.

Section 4.        Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on Nov 1 through to November 1 of following year. (Amended (9/12/21)

Article X Dissolution

Upon dissolution or final liquidation of the organization, any remaining assets shall be, after payment or the making of provision for payment of all the lawful debts and liabilities of the organization, distributed to the national organization, FPUSA.

Article XI Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of the Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these By- laws and those of the organization.

Article XII Political Neutrality

Classic City Pétanque Club will not take part in any political movement of any persuasion or party. Members shall never use name of Classic City Pétanque Club in relation to any political purpose.

Article XIII Amendment to Bylaws

These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the Board of Directors voting at a duly called meeting, providing a quorum is present. All prior and existing Bylaws are hereby repealed and rescinded effective immediately on the latter of the date of adoption of these Bylaws or the date of agreement by the organization.

All current officer positions will be vacated with the adoption of these bylaws.

Adopted onAugust 11/2019by Classic City Pétanque Club Board of Directors.
  Amended  July 8, 2021  by Classic City Petanque Club Board of Directors
  Amended  September 12, 2021  by Classic City Petanque Club Board of Directors
  Amended  September 15, 2021  by Classic City Petanque Club Board of Directors
  Amended  September 17, 2021  by Classic City Petanque Club Board of Directors